Educational engineering


From September 1999 to March 2000. 


Rabat Morocco, Ministry of Vocational Training.


Consultant for IFOA Reggio Emilia (Italy).


Technical pedagogical expert in charge of the follow up of all the sub-projects (38 millions Euros) for the project : "Strengthening Moroccan Vocational Training Centres":

- Equipping centres

- Curriculum development

- Training of trainers


- Writing the four-year work plan and the annual work plan

- Establishing measures of eligibility for financing actions of rehabilitation and the development of the vocational training system

- Participation in the analysis of the financing requests

- Assisting executive agency and vocational training operators in the evaluation of tenders

- Assuring the transfer of expertise to Moroccan counterparts.


Contract n° MEDA / Maroc / 010 A



Consultant for Maastricht School of Management (The Netherlands) working in Ulaan Baatar Mongolia from June 1999 to August 1999 as Team leader for the project: "Institutional Strengthening & Management Development of the University of Mongolia". TACIS Financing Contract n° EDMOND 9303. Description of the tasks:

Writing the inception report of this project for launching all the activities focused on cost-sharing / cost-recovery and income generation as a priority for the development of this University.

Writing the functional analysis of the "National University of Mongolia" to re-write the University charter.

Conducted 3 missions in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian Territories from October 1992 to May 1993 within the "Peace Process", organised by the Conference of Madrid, then of Paris, with EEC financing to:

Analyse the training needs of the high-level civil servants and the mid-level administrative managers of the future Palestinian civil administration..

Determine the training means and methods for these personnel.

Advise the Palestinian civil authorities (called "Technical Committees") on the future government's structure (100 keyword method and scheme to organise the administration by homogenous operational activities).

Director of the project establishing a training centre for small businessmen in Kazakhstan:

Identification of the partner (association of Kazakh managers).

Signature of the preliminary agreement, July 1991.

Drawing up of the terms of reference for a four-year technical assistance project, August 1991.

Obtaining agreement on the EEC financing, November 1991.

Managing the project with Lancashire Enterprises plc (U.K.)

Expert for the EEC (D.G.I.) technical assistance programme for the Soviet Union to evaluate projects to set up management training centres, October-November 1991.

Chief of Project in connection with the creation of a management training centre for senior Soviet business managers, called the Paris-Moscow Business Institute, carried out in the form of a joint venture with the CEGOS Group of consultants and the Higher Commercial Management school of Moscow, 1989-1991.

Negotiation and setting-up of this joint venture. (Signature of preliminary agreement in March 1989. Recorded with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Republic on July 11, 1991);

Management of and setting up of the training of 400 Soviet trainees in 1991 in seminars involving numerous businesses (duration = 1 week, 15 to 20 trainees for each leader).

Active teaching method, focusing on action as a function of the objectives to be reached and the nature of the public. 

Management of a team of trainers who designed and produced 16 seminars in Russia relating to international management in connection with the following major themes:  

Export techniques and practices

Business privatisation practices,

Management of human resources,

Training trainers

Organisation of Franco-Hungarian meetings of management training professionals, September 1991 - February 1992.



Organiser of the first cycle of French demonstration seminars in management training based on the theme of "enterprise economy" taking place in April 1990 in Moscow at the Soviet Foreign Trade Academy with professors from the University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne and CEGOS experts and trainers. 

Feasibility study and then establishment of the trade and management school in connection with the Côte d'Ivoire Commercial Action Programme, 1970-1972 (aimed at training trades people).


Adult training methodologies.

As a trainer, I use a diverse mix of training methodologies in my programmes. All of them have only one objective: the inter-active involvement of trainees :

Typical classroom techniques (no more than 15)
Video production
Large and small group discussions,
Skill practices and Skill transfer exercises,
Case studies (using actual cases provided by the trainees)
On the job coaching and consulting,

Ex ante evaluation methodology of training program.

The evaluation is a process which consists in collecting all the relevant information, valid and reliable (the training needs), then comparing them with a set of criteria which answer the objectives lay down in order to make a decision concerning a training program. Grids of analysis and criteria of eligibility are part of the method.

Training course evaluation techniques.

All training programmes have an evaluation strategy established which outlines the following:

How learners feel about the training and instructor,
What participants are expected to learn while in the session?
Which evaluation methods are being used to determine that learning is taking place?
Whether the learners are using their new techniques at work,
If they are not, what is stopping them from using them?
How this session impacts the organisation.



Establishing Training Centres (managers - civil servants - entrepreneurs)

Study of the training needs., 
Feasibility study 
Setting up the centre. 

Training Seminar Leader in the following fields:

Training trainers.
Training consultants.
Project management techniques
Techniques for drafting legal documents.
Training sales staff, sales chiefs, and sales managers.
  International management.
Managing human resources.
Techniques involved in privatising companies.